Thank God for Wycliffe

My oldest daughter is working as an intern at Wycliffe Bible translators in the UK. recently she posted a blog about John Wycliffe. It is worth reading because often we are complacent about the Bible we are able to read without appreciating the great sacrifice of men like Wycliffe who lived and died so that we might have the Scriptures in our own language.

In case you want to read more about Wycliffe try these links for a start:

It’s still not too late…

…to start your Bible reading plan for 2011. Reading the whole Bible in a year is a challenge but also a great blessing. So don’t be put off by the fact we are a few days into the new year, get started now! There are loads of free one year Bible reading programmes online, (I use the ESV with readings from OT, NT, Psalm and Proverbs), but in case you need help here are a few to get you started;

SF PDL Memory Verses

New Memory Verses for this course:

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

Roman 14:19


And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18


To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

John 8:31-32


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28


Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 1:12


No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

1 Corinthians 10:13


This was posted on the LTC blog –

Life Transforming College International is now about half way through it’s first semester – twenty one students are enrolled, and they are full of life and passion for the Lord – to their great joy mid-term exams start next week – in celebration of this we present a few photos of them, and ask you to join with us in praying for God’s grace to be upon them through this time.




Pakistan Floods

You will have heard of the recent flooding in Pakistan with, at current figures, possibly 8 million people affected. Please as a minimum pray for your brothers and sisters there. If you want to give financially I can give you contact details.

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The photos below were sent to me by Pastor Ravi Daniel, (I do not know how many are his own), I continue in his own words:

Floods caused by a week of heavy rain have killed many thousands people in Pakistan’s northwest and rescuers battled .

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Please send your help and support to affected people with Flood your small contribution provide big help .They need a basic things Food , Water and shelter , and they are Cry for help ..

Many Thousands people loss there every things in this Flood , people loss there lifes , there childrens , there releatives and loss there Cows and other Animals and loss the works homes and lost there basic things of Life. The floods have washed away homes, crops, livestock, and critical infrastructure.

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In response to this disaster, Our team has established a fund to provide flood survivors with urgently needed items, such as food, bottled water, medicine, tents, baby formula and diapers. “There is now a real danger of the spread of water-borne diseases like diarrhoea, asthma, skin allergies and perhaps cholera in these areas
“People Cry for Help”

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Flood in Pakistan 2010. According to UN, more than 3000 people died and 20 million people are homeless now and are on the road, 200 thousands animals died in this flood. Now more people are dying with different diseases specially children, people are dying because they have no food to eat, no place to live, no clean water, no medicine. Flood in Pakistan destroyed everything; millions of people lost their everything in this flood. Would you like to donate anything, for food, milk, medicine, many children lost their parents and many parents lost their children. You can donate for these Flood Affected families in Pakistan .

We are Collecting help for poor people who are affected with Flood and loss there homes and every thing in Flood.

“Please Provide your help”

you can also contact and send your Help through other ways and method …

Pastor Ravi Daniel and all our team from Pakistan.
Phone # 0092-3157032005. E-mail :


More Useful Websites

Continuing the gradual introduction to useful materials found on the web, try these sites:

Biblical Studies Foundation — a good resource for theological and Biblical studies.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library — location of many great classics ; a very helpful resource.

Word Pictures in the New Testament — a classic study resource.

Precept Austin – amazing resource of commentaries and study aids, great for research or sermon preparation

Arunachal Update

This update is from Peter Kashung:

Please help us in prayer because there is anti conversion Bill in Arunachal. We need thousands to pray about Yongkong and his team. We praise God that Yongkong and the team are strong. The only method to take Gospel to this land is through one to one discipleship. Yongkong has been doing this very actively through DCI materials. He needs one digital Cemera, one Motorbike and funds for DCI materials and for training and travelling. Yongkong even cover Myanamar. Please pray much about him.


Gospel Workers Beaten

This information came through this morning – please join with us in urgent, passionate prayer support for our co-workers.

Dear Co-workers in Christ,

Let us join in prayer with Yongkong in Arunachal Pradesh.

Name of the Evangelist & Field : Mr. Cholong Wangpang,Graduate of BTCP 12 th Batch.Changlang District,Arunachal.

3 persons were beaten up for the baptism and their profession in Christ.

Let’s pray that our Victorious God will dethrone the works of Satan.

Themreingam Chilhang

Below are some recent photos taken by our workers in this region showing the conditions they work in, they are not of the people who have been persecuted. A border village in Myanmar, some of our DCI trainers, lunchtime and finally on the way again.